Boisson Q&A with Jessica Selander, founder of Jøyus Wines
Read the full article by Boisson here. LINK
Q&A with Jessica Selander, founder of Jøyus Wines
We'll keep the intro short for this one because you'll want to just dive into the empathetic dedication and optimistic passion that is Jessica Selander, founder of Jøyus Wines. Both of her wines won medals at the 2021 San Francisco International Wine Competition—read on to learn about her journey to that achievement and more.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from and what has been your professional path before Jøyus?

I’m Pacific Northwest born and raised. Currently raising my kids here in this beautiful area. I also lived some of my adult life in California. It’s where I met my spouse and where I spent a lot of my career previous to this one. Before starting Jøyus, I was a Creative Director in a very male-dominated industry. I’m grateful for the experience because it turned out to be very helpful here, too. The wine and beverage industry is also very male-dominated. I received some pretty interesting, and frankly condescending, comments when I first started working on Jøyus. But coming from my background—I didn’t let it get me down or discourage me. I know how to hold my own, to keep moving forward and to fight for my ideas. It’s mostly women that drink wine (percentage-wise), but it’s mostly men that make it. And I think because of that, there’s a disconnect.
What inspired you to create Jøyus?

I’ve been sober for over 16 years now, which means I’ve spent pretty much every adult life moment alcohol-free. I drank Martinelli’s when I got married, got a new job, for every New Year's Eve, or anything special. And I’m grateful it exists, but I felt like I was still at the kiddie table. I wanted wine. I loved wine and....
Read the full article by Boisson here. LINK